
トヨタはWelwalk WW-1000という装置のレンタルを開始すると発表した。これは半身麻痺の患者が再び歩けるようになることを助けるロボットだ。WW-1000にはある種の外骨格が組み込まれており、麻痺が起きている側の脚に取り付ける。患者が歩けるよう強力なモーターが膝関節を支える。この装置の利用により患者はやがて自力歩行ができるようになる。


Associated Pressによれば、Welwalkシステムは今年後半にまず日本の医療機関に導入される予定だ。レンタル料金は初期費用が100万円、月額料金が35万円程度という。これは医療機器の水準からすれば負担になるような金額ではない。しかも脳出血その他の原因によって半身麻痺を起こした患者の歩行能力の回復に要する期間を劇的に短縮する効果がある。

  1. gettyimages-667526246.jpg

    A model demonstrates how the rehabilitation-assist robot Welwalk WW-1000, developed by Japan's Toyota Motor Corporation, helps to assist in flexing and extending the knee while walking on a treadmill during a press preview in Tokyo on April 12, 2017. Toyota Motor Corporation announced that the company will launch a rental service for the Welwalk WW-1000 robot from the fall of 2017. The Welwalk WW-1000 is designed to aid in the rehabilitation of individuals with lower limb paralysis as a result of stroke and other causes. / AFP PHOTO / Kazuhiro NOGI (Photo credit should read KAZUHIRO NOGI/AFP/Getty Images)
  2. gettyimages-667526236.jpg

    A model demonstrates how the rehabilitation-assist robot Welwalk WW-1000, developed by Japan's Toyota Motor Corporation, helps to assist in flexing and extending the knee while walking on a treadmill during a press preview in Tokyo on April 12, 2017. Toyota Motor Corporation announced that the company will launch a rental service for the Welwalk WW-1000 robot from the fall of 2017. The Welwalk WW-1000 is designed to aid in the rehabilitation of individuals with lower limb paralysis as a result of stroke and other causes. / AFP PHOTO / Kazuhiro NOGI (Photo credit should read KAZUHIRO NOGI/AFP/Getty Images)
  3. gettyimages-667526228.jpg

    A model demonstrates how the rehabilitation-assist robot Welwalk WW-1000, developed by Japan's Toyota Motor Corporation, helps to assist in flexing and extending the knee while walking on a treadmill during a press preview in Tokyo on April 12, 2017. Toyota Motor Corporation announced that the company will launch a rental service for the Welwalk WW-1000 robot from the fall of 2017. The Welwalk WW-1000 is designed to aid in the rehabilitation of individuals with lower limb paralysis as a result of stroke and other causes. / AFP PHOTO / Kazuhiro NOGI (Photo credit should read KAZUHIRO NOGI/AFP/Getty Images)
  4. gettyimages-667526146.jpg

    A model demonstrates how the rehabilitation-assist robot Welwalk WW-1000, developed by Japan's Toyota Motor Corporation, helps to assist in flexing and extending the knee while walking on a treadmill during a press preview in Tokyo on April 12, 2017. Toyota Motor Corporation announced that the company will launch a rental service for the Welwalk WW-1000 robot from the fall of 2017. The Welwalk WW-1000 is designed to aid in the rehabilitation of individuals with lower limb paralysis as a result of stroke and other causes. / AFP PHOTO / Kazuhiro NOGI (Photo credit should read KAZUHIRO NOGI/AFP/Getty Images)
  5. gettyimages-667526120.jpg

    A model demonstrates how the rehabilitation-assist robot Welwalk WW-1000, developed by Japan's Toyota Motor Corporation, helps to assist in flexing and extending the knee while walking on a treadmill during a press preview in Tokyo on April 12, 2017. Toyota Motor Corporation announced that the company will launch a rental service for the Welwalk WW-1000 robot from the fall of 2017. The Welwalk WW-1000 is designed to aid in the rehabilitation of individuals with lower limb paralysis as a result of stroke and other causes. / AFP PHOTO / Kazuhiro NOGI (Photo credit should read KAZUHIRO NOGI/AFP/Getty Images)
  6. gettyimages-667526290.jpg

    A model demonstrates how the rehabilitation-assist robot Welwalk WW-1000, developed by Japan's Toyota Motor Corporation, helps to assist in flexing and extending the knee while walking on a treadmill during a press preview in Tokyo on April 12, 2017. Toyota Motor Corporation announced that the company will launch a rental service for the Welwalk WW-1000 robot from the fall of 2017. The Welwalk WW-1000 is designed to aid in the rehabilitation of individuals with lower limb paralysis as a result of stroke and other causes. / AFP PHOTO / Kazuhiro NOGI (Photo credit should read KAZUHIRO NOGI/AFP/Getty Images)
  7. gettyimages-667526272.jpg

    A model demonstrates how the rehabilitation-assist robot Welwalk WW-1000, developed by Japan's Toyota Motor Corporation, helps to assist in flexing and extending the knee while walking on a treadmill during a press preview in Tokyo on April 12, 2017. Toyota Motor Corporation announced that the company will launch a rental service for the Welwalk WW-1000 robot from the fall of 2017. The Welwalk WW-1000 is designed to aid in the rehabilitation of individuals with lower limb paralysis as a result of stroke and other causes. / AFP PHOTO / Kazuhiro NOGI (Photo credit should read KAZUHIRO NOGI/AFP/Getty Images)


トヨタは各種のロボティクスを以前から研究してきた。トヨタの人工知能研究の拠点、TRI(Toyota Research Institute)では高齢者の生活の質を高めるためのテクノロジー の開発を大きなテーマとしている。韓国のHyundaiも昨年ロボティクスを応用した補装具のデモを行っている。全体として自動車メーカーは自動車関連だけでなくさまざま形態での人間移動を助けるシステムの開発に力を入れ始めたようだ。

画像:: KAZUHIRO NOGI/Getty Images


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