私たちのポケットの中には既に、スマートフォンという名前のコンピューターが入っているが、インテルの新しいCompute Cardは、本物のPCをどこにでも持ち運べるものにしてくれる。超高効率なCeleronや、ノートブッククラスのCore i5など、さまざまなプロセッサオプションを用意しているので、インテルのOEMパートナーたちは、このUSBバックアップバッテリのように見える部品を、スマートサインやモジュラーノートなどへ応用することに興味が湧いているようだ。
今年初めにCESで最初の版が発表されたIntel Compute Cardは、今日(米国時間5月30日)のComputexでは、最大4GBのRAMと128GBのフラッシュストレージ、AC 8265無線ネットワーキング、Bluetooth 4.2接続機能などと共に披露された。本日インテルはまた、Compute Card Device Design Kitの公開も発表した。これにより、OEMパートナーたちは、このモジュラーコンピューティングコアと共に動作するデバイスを作成できる。
既に現在、LG Display、シャープ、Dell、HP、LenovoなどのパートナーたちがCompute Cardを用いたアクセサリソリューションに取り組んでいるが、インテルは小さなデスクトップPCケースをレファレンスデザインとして提供している。このケースにはUSBポート、ミニDIsplayPort、HDMI、そしてEthernet端子がついていて、Compute Cardを差し込めば本格的コンピューターにすることができる。
The Intel Compute Card is a modular computing platform with all the elements of a full computer, including Intel SoC, memory, storage and wireless connectivity with flexible I/O options. It is slightly longer than a credit card at 95mm x 55mm x 5mm and can plug into a dock. (Credit: Intel Corporation)
The Intel Compute Card is a modular computing platform with all the elements of a full computer, including Intel SoC, memory, storage and wireless connectivity with flexible I/O options. It is slightly longer than a credit card at 95mm x 55mm x 5mm and can plug into a dock. (Credit: Intel Corporation)
The Intel Compute Card is a modular computing platform with all the elements of a full computer, including Intel SoC, memory, storage and wireless connectivity with flexible I/O options. It is slightly longer than a credit card at 95mm x 55mm x 5mm and can plug into a dock. (Credit: Intel Corporation)
The Intel Compute Card is a modular computing platform with all the elements of a full computer, including Intel SoC, memory, storage and wireless connectivity with flexible I/O options. It is slightly longer than a credit card at 95mm x 55mm x 5mm and can plug into a dock. (Credit: Intel Corporation)
The Intel Compute Card is a modular computing platform with all the elements of a full computer, including Intel SoC, memory, storage and wireless connectivity with flexible I/O options. It is slightly longer than a credit card at 95mm x 55mm x 5mm and can plug into a dock. (Credit: Intel Corporation)
The Intel Compute Card is a modular computing platform with all the elements of a full computer, including Intel SoC, memory, storage and wireless connectivity with flexible I/O options. It is slightly longer than a credit card at 95mm x 55mm x 5mm and can plug into a dock. (Credit: Intel Corporation)
The Intel Compute Card is a modular computing platform with all the elements of a full computer, including Intel SoC, memory, storage and wireless connectivity with flexible I/O options. It is slightly longer than a credit card at 95mm x 55mm x 5mm and can plug into a dock. (Credit: Intel Corporation)
The Intel Compute Card is a modular computing platform with all the elements of a full computer, including Intel SoC, memory, storage and wireless connectivity with flexible I/O options. It is slightly longer than a credit card at 95mm x 55mm x 5mm and can plug into a dock. (Credit: Intel Corporation)
The Intel Compute Card is a modular computing platform with all the elements of a full computer, including Intel SoC, memory, storage and wireless connectivity with flexible I/O options. It is slightly longer than a credit card at 95mm x 55mm x 5mm and can plug into a dock. (Credit: Intel Corporation)
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