Appleの苦情でAndroidカスタマイズアプリ”Themer”がGoogle Playから削除…ここにはGoogle側のもっと重要な問題が

Androidのホーム画面をカスタマイズするアプリThemerはMyColorScreen社の作で、同社は昨年秋に50万ドルのシード資金を獲得したが、アプリそのものはこのほど、Appleから著作権侵害を主張されたため、Google Playのストアから姿を消した。Appleが文句を言っているのはThemerアプリが提供している200あまりのテーマの内の一つにすぎないが、アプリは2月2日に取り下げられ、同社が問題のテーマを取り去ったにもかかわらず、まだストアに戻っていない。

問題のテーマは”Seven”という名前で、Appleの言い分ではそのアイコンの一部が同社のパテントに抵触している。MyColorScreenの協同ファウンダでCEOのAshvin Dhingraがそう説明した。


Dhingraはこう説明する: “Sevenはすぐに削除したから、Google Playのストアにすぐ復帰できると思っていた。でも今日で一週間になるから、あと何週間かかるのか分からなくなってきた”。




MyColorScreen社によれば、現時点では、そもそもThemerがストアに戻るのかどうか、すら分からない。ただし同社としては、今のところは、Google Playストア以外のところからAPKをリリースする意思はない。そんなことをすれば自動アップデートがやりにくくなるので、得策ではない(Themerはもうすぐベータを終えて1.0にアップデートする予定だから、なおさらだ)。




This is a notification that your application, Themer Beta, with package ID com.mycolorscreen.themer, has been removed from the Google Play Store.

REASON FOR REMOVAL: Alleged copyright infringement (according to the terms of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act).

All violations are tracked. Serious or repeated violations of any nature will result in the termination of your developer account, and investigation and possible termination of related Google accounts. If your account is terminated, payments will cease and Google may recover the proceeds of any past sales and the cost of any associated fees (such as chargebacks and payment transaction fees) from you.

Please review the Developer Distribution Agreement and Content Policy to ensure that your applications are compliant with our policies.

The DMCA is a United States copyright law that provides guidelines for online service provider liability in case of copyright infringement. Click here for more information about the DMCA, and see for the process that Google requires in order to make a DMCA complaint.

Google may reinstate your application into the Google Play Store upon receipt of a counter notification pursuant to sections 512(g)(2) and (3) of the DMCA. Click here for more information about the requirements of a counter notification and a link to a sample counter notification. If you have legal questions about this notification, you should retain your own legal counsel.

Please note that we have included a text copy of the Infringement Notice we received for your reference.

The Google Play Team

Text copy of DMCA complaint:

subject_lr_dmca: Your Request to Google
full_name: xxxx
companyname: xxxx
represented_copyright_holder: Apple Inc.
contact_email_noprefill: xxxx
country_residence: US
location_of_copyrighted_work: The original artwork for the following
infringed iOS7 app designs may be viewed on any iDevice running the iOS7
operating system:

Notes (Copyright Reg. No. VA1871602)
Stocks (Copyright Reg. No. VA1871786)
Newsstand (Copyright Reg. No. VA1871650)
Maps (Copyright Reg. No. VA1871438)
Camera (Copyright Reg. No. VA1871668)
Photos (Copyright Reg. No. VA1871779)
Settings (Copyright Reg. No. VA1871669)

description_of_copyrighted_work: Apple Inc. is the sole and exclusive owner
of the copyright in the original artwork for the app designs in its iOS 7
operating system. The foregoing application being distributed on Google
Play intentionally includes unauthorized reproductions of Apple’s
copyrighted apps, including its icon designs for Notes (Copyright Reg. No.
VA1871602), Stocks (Copyright Reg. No. VA1871786), Newsstand (Copyright
Reg. No. VA1871650), Maps (Copyright Reg. No. VA1871438), Camera (Copyright
Reg. No. VA1871668), Photos (Copyright Reg. No. VA1871779), Settings
(Copyright Reg. No. VA1871669) and other features. This application
violates Apple’s copyrights, in addition to other Apple IP rights. (This
app developer’s unauthorized reproduction of Apple’s multiple copyrights
may be viewed in-app by first downloading and installing the app, allowing
Themer to create widgets on one’s device, and loading the “Seven” theme
from the list of the “Most Popular” category under the Browse Themes.)

画像クレジット: Themer; テーマはAndroidtapp.comより。

(翻訳:iwatani(a.k.a. hiwa))