Facebookを驚かせたのは、ユーザーが友達を探すやり方だった。多くの人たちが“photos of my ‘friends’”ではなく、”chums”、”besties”、”buddies”、”homies”、”peeps”など[いずれも「親友」を表わす俗語]を使って検索していた。これらの単語は当初グラフ検索を困らせたが、専門の自然言語チームがこうした類義語を認識するシステムを構築した。
同社は、「OR」検索を可能にするための文法問題にも取り組んでいる。現在は、”friends who Live in New York who Like Game Of Thrones and Downton Abbey”[ニューヨークに住んでいるGame Of Thronesとダウントン・アビーの好きな友達]を探すことはできるが、”Friends who live in New York who Like U2 or The Rolling Stones”[ニューヨークに住んでいるU2かローリングストーンズが好きな友達]を検索して一緒にロックコンサートに行く人を簡単に見つけることはできない。
Y Combinatorの育成事業から巣立ち、今日(米国時間2/21)一般公開されるPadlet(元Wallwisher)は、分かりやすく使いやすいドラッグ&ドロップ方式により、一般人によるWebサイト制作に、上記の有力プラットホームをもしのぐ容易さと短い工期を提供する。しかもPadletはGoogle Docsみたいに、複数のユーザが同時に協力しながらページを作っていける。つまり、コラボレーションのできるWebサイト制作サービスなのだ。
“Here at Memolane, we’ve had an amazing two years helping people see, search and share all of their social media content from across the web. Our goal was to make it exciting to relive great adventures with friends. We are proud that we could bring joy to people’s lives by sending out daily emails with fun memories from the past. As well, it has been a thrill to share in the excitement when one of our fans rediscovers a precious moment that was once lost.
Today we want to share the exciting news that our team is joining another company that will utilize the Memolane features in an expanded way, adding more value to all the great memories captured on social media.
Unfortunately this also means that we will be shutting down the memolane.com service. Your account with Memolane and all its content will be deleted on Friday Feb. 22th 2013. Please note that Memolane only aggregates content so all of your social media memories will still be available on the existing social media services you use.
As well, if you love receiving your daily MemoMail, there are other services which you can use, such as Timehop. JoliCloud also offers a service for accessing all your social media. Check it out!
Since our launch almost three years ago at StartupWeekend CPH 2010, we have seen continued innovation around our vision of rediscovering great memories. With the launch of Facebook Timeline we saw the ultimate validation of our vision.
If you feeling a bit nostalgic then you can read all about how it all started. Also, feel free to send us a message on Twitter or Facebook. Also check out our FAQs post for more information.
Finally, we would like to share a word of heartfelt thanks with our loyal users, partners and our incredible team. We cannot thank you enough for all of your support, feedback, and warm wishes over the years.
And as always…
Keep making great memories, thanks for being part of ours!
Eric, Nikolaj and the Memolane Team”
“Here at Memolane, we’ve had an amazing two years helping people see, search and share all of their social media content from across the web. Our goal was to make it exciting to relive great adventures with friends. We are proud that we could bring joy to people’s lives by sending out daily emails with fun memories from the past. As well, it has been a thrill to share in the excitement when one of our fans rediscovers a precious moment that was once lost.
Today we want to share the exciting news that our team is joining another company that will utilize the Memolane features in an expanded way, adding more value to all the great memories captured on social media.
Unfortunately this also means that we will be shutting down the memolane.com service. Your account with Memolane and all its content will be deleted on Friday Feb. 22th 2013. Please note that Memolane only aggregates content so all of your social media memories will still be available on the existing social media services you use.
As well, if you love receiving your daily MemoMail, there are other services which you can use, such as Timehop. JoliCloud also offers a service for accessing all your social media. Check it out!
Since our launch almost three years ago at StartupWeekend CPH 2010, we have seen continued innovation around our vision of rediscovering great memories. With the launch of Facebook Timeline we saw the ultimate validation of our vision.
If you feeling a bit nostalgic then you can read all about how it all started. Also, feel free to send us a message on Twitter or Facebook. Also check out our FAQs post for more information.
Finally, we would like to share a word of heartfelt thanks with our loyal users, partners and our incredible team. We cannot thank you enough for all of your support, feedback, and warm wishes over the years.
And as always…
Keep making great memories, thanks for being part of ours!
Eric, Nikolaj and the Memolane Team”
ベーシック版のWi-Fiモデルの価格はアメリカで1299ドル、イギリスで1049ポンドだ。PixelはすでにGoogle Play で購入可能になっている。また明日の朝にはアメリカでは一部のBest Buy、英国ではCurrys PC Worldの店頭にも並ぶ予定だ。LTE版は1449ドルでアメリカでは4月発売予定。Wi-Fi版はフラッシュドライブが32GBだが、LTE版は64GBに強化される。
All these games just look like tech demos for particle rendering. Are we sure it’s not called ParticleStation 4? #PlayStation2013— Eric Leamen (@ericleamen) February 21, 2013
it’s so stark how different nintendo and sony prioritize. nintendo sees the game mechanics themselves, sony sees GRAPHIX— Ellis Hamburger (@hamburger) February 21, 2013
Google Playでは、新人が比較的好調なのは最初の一瞬だけだ。これらのことが暗示しているのは、ストアが、あるいは市場が、完全な飽和状態に達しているのかもしれない、ということだ。数の多さでいえば、やや先輩であるiOS Storeの方がGoogle Playより多いのだけれど。
このレポートは、2012年10月から2013年1月までのiOS App StoresとGoogle Playにおけるトレンドを調べている(下図)。ただし、時期が時期だけに、クリスマス関連作品の成績がやや良い。Elf on the ShelfやElf Yourself(OfficeMax社)が上位にあるのも、そのためだ。
Temple Run 2やGoogle Maps、LINE POPなどの有名プロダクトは、ローンチ後わずか2日でこの節目をクリアしている。このレポートの調査期間中に100万に達した新作アプリの上位10は: Temple Run 2、Google Maps、LINE POP、Disney Where’s My Valentine?、Facebook Poke、Angelina’s Valentine、NokiaのHERE Maps、Majic Jungle SoftwareのThe Blockheads(本当の新人!)、そしてGameloftのZombiewoodとHeroes of Order & Chaosだ。
次は、ダウンロード数100万ではなく、売上100万ドルという節目だ。このレポートには有名ブランドが多く載っている(下図)。Angry Birds Star Wars (とHD)は、1週間で100万ドルをクリアした。Grand Theft Auto: Vice CityとTemple Run 2もだ。なお、上位10のうちの8つが有料アプリ(Paid)で、さらにその半分はアプリ内購入(In-App)がある。2つの無料アプリ(Free)にも、アプリ内購入がある。