
Alphabet傘下の自動運転車企業Waymoが、デトロイトのAmerican Axle & Manufacturingの敷地内の工場に自己のショップ(生産施設)を開設する。

米国時間4月23日のWaymoの発表によると、同社はAmerican Axle & Manufacturingとパートナーして、最近まで地元の部品サプライヤーの荷下ろし場として使われていた建物をリフォームする。その目標は、2019年半ばまでにその建物に移ってレベル4の自動運転車の生産のための準備を開始することだ。レベル4はSAEの定義によると、一定条件下で車両自身が運転のすべてを担当することだ。

州知事のGretchen Whitmer氏は声明でこう言っている。「Waymoが新しい工場をデトロイトに設立することを選んだことにより、同社は市の活性を維持継続し、自動車産業のリーダーであり先進的な自動車製造技術の発信地としてのミシガン州の地位をさらに確実なものにした」。

1月にMichigan Economic Development Corporation(ミシガン州経済開発公社、MEDC)は、同州にWaymoが自動運転車の製造工場を設立する計画を票決により承認した。MEDCはこのプロジェクトへの800万ドルの補助金も承認した。


12月にWaymoはフェニックスで商用ロボタクシーの限定的なサービスを立ち上げ、それをWaymo Oneと呼んだ。

Waymo Oneの自動運転車とそのアプリは、Waymoが教育訓練した人間ドライバーの同乗を前提していた。しかし最終的には、安全のための人間ドライバーはいなくなる。最近このサービスは、利用者数を徐々に増やしている。


(翻訳:iwatani、a.k.a. hiwa

無人運転シャトルバスのMay Mobility、第3の都市に進出

May Mobility は、今年夏に初の低速無人運転シャトルをデトロイトで運用開始した。来年3月までに、ミシガン州アンアーバー拠点の同社は、米国で3都市以上で運用する計画だ。


May Mobilityは、自動運転車の商業規模展開を競っている他社とは異なっている。自動運転と自動車業界のベテラン集団が設立したこのスタートアップは、商業地域や企業、大学などの構内で決められた経路を走るために設計された低速無人シャトルを開発した。


この最新のシャトル運用はGrand Rapids Autonomous Mobility Initiativeと呼ばれ、Consumers Energy、フランスの自動車メーカー Faurecia、Gentex、Rockford Constrution、Seamless、および家具メーカーのSteelcase らの企業からなる幅広い取り組みの一環だ。


バスは既存バス路線の3.2マイル(5 km)の区間を運行し、市の中心部と2箇所の商業地区へのアクセスを提供する。区間には停留所22箇所、信号30箇所、曲がり角が12箇所あり、うち3つは左折だと同イニシアティブは言った。


May Mobility車両の運行部門は革新的な発電・配電システムを推進するCircuit West内のRockford Construction West Side Officeに設置される。

May Mobilityは2018年に1150万ドルのシード資金をBMW iVentures、Toyota AIらから調達した。Trucks、Maven Venture、およびTandem Venturesも同社に投資している。


(翻訳:Nob Takahashi / facebook




今日のイベントでは、このビルを1995年から所有しているMoroun家を代表してMatthew Morounが「契約は完了した。施設にには新しい未来が確保された。セントラル・ステーションは未来を開くのにふさわしい次の所有者を得た。ミシガン・セントラル・ステーションはデトロイトの進歩と成功の輝かしいシンボルとなるだろう」と述べた。





(翻訳:滑川海彦@Facebook Google+



Xmotionの外殻は、Nissanによると、富士山に代表されるような日本の自然の美観と、電子製品であふれる現代の都市環境を組み合わせている。つまりBlade Runner的であると同時に現代の東京ふうでもある、と。



  1. nissan_xmotion_concept___photo_40.jpg

    Making its world debut at the 2018 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, the six-passenger, three-row Nissan Xmotion (pronounced “cross motion”) concept fuses Japanese culture and traditional craftsmanship with American-style utility and new-generation Nissan Intelligent Mobility technology.
  2. nissan-xmotion-concept-photo-28.jpg

    Making its world debut at the 2018 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, the six-passenger, three-row Nissan Xmotion (pronounced “cross motion”) concept fuses Japanese culture and traditional craftsmanship with American-style utility and new-generation Nissan Intelligent Mobility technology.
  3. nissan-xmotion-concept-photo-44.jpg

    Making its world debut at the 2018 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, the six-passenger, three-row Nissan Xmotion (pronounced “cross motion”) concept fuses Japanese culture and traditional craftsmanship with American-style utility and new-generation Nissan Intelligent Mobility technology.
  4. nissan-xmotion-concept-photo-43.jpg

    Making its world debut at the 2018 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, the six-passenger, three-row Nissan Xmotion (pronounced “cross motion”) concept fuses Japanese culture and traditional craftsmanship with American-style utility and new-generation Nissan Intelligent Mobility technology.
  5. nissan-xmotion-concept-photo-42.jpg

    Making its world debut at the 2018 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, the six-passenger, three-row Nissan Xmotion (pronounced “cross motion”) concept fuses Japanese culture and traditional craftsmanship with American-style utility and new-generation Nissan Intelligent Mobility technology.
  6. nissan-xmotion-concept-photo-35.jpg

    Making its world debut at the 2018 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, the six-passenger, three-row Nissan Xmotion (pronounced “cross motion”) concept fuses Japanese culture and traditional craftsmanship with American-style utility and new-generation Nissan Intelligent Mobility technology.
  7. nissan-xmotion-concept-photo-34.jpg

    Making its world debut at the 2018 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, the six-passenger, three-row Nissan Xmotion (pronounced “cross motion”) concept fuses Japanese culture and traditional craftsmanship with American-style utility and new-generation Nissan Intelligent Mobility technology.
  8. nissan-xmotion-concept-photo-33.jpg

    Making its world debut at the 2018 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, the six-passenger, three-row Nissan Xmotion (pronounced “cross motion”) concept fuses Japanese culture and traditional craftsmanship with American-style utility and new-generation Nissan Intelligent Mobility technology.
  9. nissan-xmotion-concept-photo-32.jpg

    Making its world debut at the 2018 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, the six-passenger, three-row Nissan Xmotion (pronounced “cross motion”) concept fuses Japanese culture and traditional craftsmanship with American-style utility and new-generation Nissan Intelligent Mobility technology.
  10. nissan-xmotion-concept-photo-30.jpg

    Making its world debut at the 2018 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, the six-passenger, three-row Nissan Xmotion (pronounced “cross motion”) concept fuses Japanese culture and traditional craftsmanship with American-style utility and new-generation Nissan Intelligent Mobility technology.
  11. nissan-xmotion-concept-photo-29.jpg

    Making its world debut at the 2018 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, the six-passenger, three-row Nissan Xmotion (pronounced “cross motion”) concept fuses Japanese culture and traditional craftsmanship with American-style utility and new-generation Nissan Intelligent Mobility technology.
  12. nissan-xmotion-concept-photo-23.jpg

    Making its world debut at the 2018 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, the six-passenger, three-row Nissan Xmotion (pronounced “cross motion”) concept fuses Japanese culture and traditional craftsmanship with American-style utility and new-generation Nissan Intelligent Mobility technology.
  13. nissan-xmotion-concept-photo-20.jpg

    Making its world debut at the 2018 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, the six-passenger, three-row Nissan Xmotion (pronounced “cross motion”) concept fuses Japanese culture and traditional craftsmanship with American-style utility and new-generation Nissan Intelligent Mobility technology.
  14. nissan-xmotion-concept-photo-19.jpg

    Making its world debut at the 2018 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, the six-passenger, three-row Nissan Xmotion (pronounced “cross motion”) concept fuses Japanese culture and traditional craftsmanship with American-style utility and new-generation Nissan Intelligent Mobility technology.
  15. nissan-xmotion-concept-photo-01.jpg

    Making its world debut at the 2018 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, the six-passenger, three-row Nissan Xmotion (pronounced “cross motion”) concept fuses Japanese culture and traditional craftsmanship with American-style utility and new-generation Nissan Intelligent Mobility technology.
  16. nissan-xmotion-concept-photo-18.jpg

    Making its world debut at the 2018 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, the six-passenger, three-row Nissan Xmotion (pronounced “cross motion”) concept fuses Japanese culture and traditional craftsmanship with American-style utility and new-generation Nissan Intelligent Mobility technology.
  17. nissan-xmotion-concept-photo-17.jpg

    Making its world debut at the 2018 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, the six-passenger, three-row Nissan Xmotion (pronounced “cross motion”) concept fuses Japanese culture and traditional craftsmanship with American-style utility and new-generation Nissan Intelligent Mobility technology.
  18. nissan-xmotion-concept-photo-16.jpg

    Making its world debut at the 2018 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, the six-passenger, three-row Nissan Xmotion (pronounced “cross motion”) concept fuses Japanese culture and traditional craftsmanship with American-style utility and new-generation Nissan Intelligent Mobility technology.
  19. nissan-xmotion-concept-photo-15.jpg

    Making its world debut at the 2018 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, the six-passenger, three-row Nissan Xmotion (pronounced “cross motion”) concept fuses Japanese culture and traditional craftsmanship with American-style utility and new-generation Nissan Intelligent Mobility technology.
  20. nissan-xmotion-concept-photo-14.jpg

    Making its world debut at the 2018 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, the six-passenger, three-row Nissan Xmotion (pronounced “cross motion”) concept fuses Japanese culture and traditional craftsmanship with American-style utility and new-generation Nissan Intelligent Mobility technology.
  21. nissan-xmotion-concept-photo-13.jpg

    Making its world debut at the 2018 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, the six-passenger, three-row Nissan Xmotion (pronounced “cross motion”) concept fuses Japanese culture and traditional craftsmanship with American-style utility and new-generation Nissan Intelligent Mobility technology.
  22. nissan-xmotion-concept-photo-12.jpg

    Making its world debut at the 2018 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, the six-passenger, three-row Nissan Xmotion (pronounced “cross motion”) concept fuses Japanese culture and traditional craftsmanship with American-style utility and new-generation Nissan Intelligent Mobility technology.
  23. nissan-xmotion-concept-photo-11.jpg

    Making its world debut at the 2018 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, the six-passenger, three-row Nissan Xmotion (pronounced “cross motion”) concept fuses Japanese culture and traditional craftsmanship with American-style utility and new-generation Nissan Intelligent Mobility technology.
  24. nissan-xmotion-concept-photo-10.jpg

    Making its world debut at the 2018 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, the six-passenger, three-row Nissan Xmotion (pronounced “cross motion”) concept fuses Japanese culture and traditional craftsmanship with American-style utility and new-generation Nissan Intelligent Mobility technology.
  25. nissan-xmotion-concept-photo-09.jpg

    Making its world debut at the 2018 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, the six-passenger, three-row Nissan Xmotion (pronounced “cross motion”) concept fuses Japanese culture and traditional craftsmanship with American-style utility and new-generation Nissan Intelligent Mobility technology.
  26. nissan-xmotion-concept-photo-08.jpg

    Making its world debut at the 2018 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, the six-passenger, three-row Nissan Xmotion (pronounced “cross motion”) concept fuses Japanese culture and traditional craftsmanship with American-style utility and new-generation Nissan Intelligent Mobility technology.
  27. nissan-xmotion-concept-photo-07.jpg

    Making its world debut at the 2018 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, the six-passenger, three-row Nissan Xmotion (pronounced “cross motion”) concept fuses Japanese culture and traditional craftsmanship with American-style utility and new-generation Nissan Intelligent Mobility technology.
  28. nissan-xmotion-concept-photo-06.jpg

    Making its world debut at the 2018 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, the six-passenger, three-row Nissan Xmotion (pronounced “cross motion”) concept fuses Japanese culture and traditional craftsmanship with American-style utility and new-generation Nissan Intelligent Mobility technology.
  29. nissan-xmotion-concept-photo-05.jpg

    Making its world debut at the 2018 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, the six-passenger, three-row Nissan Xmotion (pronounced “cross motion”) concept fuses Japanese culture and traditional craftsmanship with American-style utility and new-generation Nissan Intelligent Mobility technology.
  30. nissan-xmotion-concept-photo-04.jpg

    Making its world debut at the 2018 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, the six-passenger, three-row Nissan Xmotion (pronounced “cross motion”) concept fuses Japanese culture and traditional craftsmanship with American-style utility and new-generation Nissan Intelligent Mobility technology.
  31. nissan-xmotion-concept-photo-03.jpg

    Making its world debut at the 2018 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, the six-passenger, three-row Nissan Xmotion (pronounced “cross motion”) concept fuses Japanese culture and traditional craftsmanship with American-style utility and new-generation Nissan Intelligent Mobility technology.
  32. nissan-xmotion-concept-photo-02.jpg

    Making its world debut at the 2018 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, the six-passenger, three-row Nissan Xmotion (pronounced “cross motion”) concept fuses Japanese culture and traditional craftsmanship with American-style utility and new-generation Nissan Intelligent Mobility technology.




(翻訳:iwatani(a.k.a. hiwa




Y Combinatorの2016冬季クラスから巣立ったCastleは、同社の自動化資産管理プラットホームで、この業界を近代化/現代化しようとしている。


資産管理という仕事を構成するすべてのサービスを、Castleはどうやって、一つのプラットホームにまとめることができるのか? それは主に、テクノロジーとオンデマンドの人力を組み合わせることによって、だ。



Castle - all

同社はデトロイトでローンチし、ファウンダーのMax Nussenbaum, Scott Lowe, Tim Dingmannの三人は、Venture for Americaというフェローシップ事業により抵当流れのマンションを買った。



(翻訳:iwatani(a.k.a. hiwa